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Обучения по Топлинна Обработка и Технология

Обучения по Топлинна Обработка и Технология

Profitieren Sie von unserem Fachwissen im Bereich Glühtechnik . Schulungen jederzeit möglich. Schulungen bieten wir bei unseren Standort sowie mobil an.
Методи за Логистика и Доставки

Методи за Логистика и Доставки

C arisma has its own efficient internal Logistics Office which ensures rapid deliveries by land and sea everywhere, taking care of all operational and regulatory aspects of the transport of ADR and IMO classified chemical products. Our products are delivered: locally in 1000 liter IBCs, in 200 liter drums, in 25 and 5 liter canisters; in customized packaging upon request in Italy and Europe in single-compartment or multi-compartment tankers, in 1000-litre IBCs, in 200-litre drums
leaf vacuums

leaf vacuums

Leaf vacuums are essential tools for maintaining clean and tidy outdoor spaces. These machines efficiently collect leaves, debris, and other organic materials, reducing the need for manual raking and sweeping. Leaf vacuums are ideal for both residential and commercial use, offering various capacities and features to suit different needs. With their powerful engines and durable construction, leaf vacuums make waste management efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition to their primary function, leaf vacuums contribute to sustainable gardening practices by collecting organic waste for composting or disposal. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a gardening enthusiast, leaf vacuums are a valuable addition to your toolkit, helping you maintain a clean and sustainable outdoor space.
Интерпретация на групови комитети - Тълкуване на групови комитети

Интерпретация на групови комитети - Тълкуване на групови комитети

Le dialogue social au sein d’une entreprise ayant des filiales hors de France – et donc des salariés de nationalités différentes – est un exercice de communication délicat. La négociation au sein d’un CGE nécessite la mise en place d’un véritable partenariat linguistique, domaine dans lequel Alto International possède une longue expérience. Nos interprètes, traducteurs et techniciens assurent l’organisation complexe de ces événements et garantissent la régularité et la fluidité des échanges entre les différents acteurs, de la Direction aux salariés.
Pottiagogo - Купете Pottiagogo за вашия (уеб)магазин

Pottiagogo - Купете Pottiagogo за вашия (уеб)магазин

At Pottiagogo you can buy products and collections from the categories: Baby products Pots. Visit our showroom in Trademart.
Ново изображение за образование и достъпност

Ново изображение за образование и достъпност

The Logogenia association was founded in 2021 to protect and promote the application of the eponymous method developed and studied by linguist Bruna Radelli. Logogenia studies the processes of language acquisition in deaf children and stimulates the acquisition of morphology and syntax through written language. In addition to training new professionals, the association conducts studies and publications, promoting the method and safeguarding logogenists at both national and international levels. With the aim of making the discovery and understanding of the method as simple and accessible as possible, Logogenia, coinciding with the establishment of the association, turned to HENRY & CO. for the redesign of its logo and website. The original logo was refined while maintaining all its originality. The intervention improved readability, recognizability, and refined small details to make the logo suitable for various media.
Професионален балсам за коса + Професионален шампоан за коса - Промоции

Професионален балсам за коса + Професионален шампоан за коса - Промоции

Facilitates combing and subsequent shaping of the hairstyle Contributes to the restoration of the damaged hair structure Regenerates, strengthens and restores hair density Reduces brittleness and strengthens split ends Leaves hair soft, shiny, hydrated and healthy looking Ideal for everyday use and all hair types Protects against the effects of UV rays and external aggressors No parabens / no mineral oils / no dyes Recyclable packaging Description : Introducing an exquisite hair conditioner designed to care for and nourish your locks. Indulge your senses with an elegant experience provided by our artfully blended formula combining the finest natural ingredients with modern technology. Going beyond the limits of the usual, the conditioner restores the damaged structure of the hair. With each application, it actively regenerates, strengthens and restores the density of your hair, giving it backs Code:19129
Автомобилна индустрия, AOG и Транспорт ADR - AOG TRANSPORT

Автомобилна индустрия, AOG и Транспорт ADR - AOG TRANSPORT

EL ROMANO comprehensively helps its contractors in many sectors of the Economy The most frequently served are Automotive, AOG and Transport ADR We also carry out direct deliveries for pharmaceutical concerns and chemical laboratories! Undoubtedly, the above industries are characterized by a high variety of orders that EL ROMANO meets with the initiative
Общи условия за ползване (ОУП) - Юридическо писане и преглед за уебсайт

Общи условия за ползване (ОУП) - Юридическо писане и преглед за уебсайт

Avec le service de Rédaction et relecture de Conditions Générales d'Utilisation (CGU) de Bizflow, assurez-vous que votre plateforme en ligne est protégée et conforme aux normes légales. Nos experts veille à rédiger des CGU claires, précises et adaptées à votre activité, garantissant ainsi une relation transparente et équitable avec vos utilisateurs. Confiez-nous la rédaction et la relecture de vos CGU pour renforcer la confiance de vos clients et protéger vos intérêts. Pour une offre tout-en-un, découvrez également nos services de Création de site web, Maintenance, Sécurité, Nom de domaine, Marketing. Bizflow, Construisez votre présence, Propulsez votre commerce.
Производство на форми

Производство на форми

AOPB est autonome pour la fabrication des moules : - moules classiques, - moules 3 plaques, - moules à dévissage, - moules à canaux chauds, - moules de surmoulage d'inserts, - moules à versions.
100 % Произведено в Германия

100 % Произведено в Германия

Unsere flüssigen Reinigungsmittel sind 100 % made in Germany. 100 % bedeutet: Vom Inhalt über die Flasche, das Etikett und den Sprühkopf oder Verschluss hin zum Verpackungskarton und Versandkarton ist alles in Deutschland gefertigt. Dabei achten wir schon beim Einkauf und der Herstellung auf kurze Transportwege, um unseren Geldbeutel und - allen voran - die Umwelt zu schonen. Flasche, Sprühkopf und Kartons lassen wir in einem Umkreis von max. 100 km um unsere Produktionsstätte in Euskirchen herum fertigen. Anschließend werden die fertigen Produkte von unserem Logistikzentrum in Meiningen, im Mittelpunkt Deutschlands, mit DHL gogreen klimaneutral in alle Länder versendet.
PL гуми, TP гуми

PL гуми, TP гуми

Géo-Négoce: votre fournisseur en pneus PL, pneus TP
Aditivo completo curados 049

Aditivo completo curados 049

Mezcla de aditivos y productos auxiliares, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración de productos cárnicos curados, ya sean desecados (incluso con periodo de maduración inferior a 30 días) o tratados por el calor. De uso como complemento en recetas que aporten sal y las especias. En los demás casos hay que comprobar que la suma de aditivos no supere los máximos legales autorizados para el embutido elaborado. Formato: caja 6kg
Дога Холдинг - Група от компании

Дога Холдинг - Група от компании

At Doğa Pet, we are a leading recycling company specializing in converting plastic waste into high-quality, reusable products, Our PET flake-based facility focuses on environmentally friendly production processes, aiming to reduce the impact of plastic waste and ensure customer satisfaction, With a commitment to sustainability and innovation, we fully comply with environmental standards and continuously improve our operational efficiency, Our goal is to provide sustainable solutions that meet the needs of both current and future generations, If our activities are of interest, I would be happy to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.
Проект "La Collab"

Проект "La Collab"

Conception d'une équipe freelance pour réaliser vos projets avec : - La construction de votre marque - L'élaboration de vos supports de communication - L'acquisition de trafic, leads, utilisateurs, clients...
Услуга за транспорт и логистика

Услуга за транспорт и логистика

ARTIMAS est une société polonaise spécialisée dans une gamme de services de transport routier entre l'Europe et l'Asie / les pays de la CEI et propose diverses options de transport: bâchés, conteneurs, charges surdimensionnées, matériaux en vrac et transport réfrigéré. Nous offrons des solutions d'envoi complets et Express. ARTIMAS est active sur le marché depuis 2010, et opère depuis la Pologne et l'Asie. En Pologne, vous pouvez nous trouver à Varsovie, Aleksandrówka, Biała Podlaska et Olkusz. Nous sommes en mesure de satisfaire tous vos besoins en transport et logistiques. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'informations.
PAESMA - Метални конструкции и строителство

PAESMA - Метални конструкции и строителство

Fundada há mais de 70 anos. Somos especializados no fabrico e construção de: • Moradias; • Unidades industriais e comerciais; • Escolas; • Edifícios desportivos; • Edifícios públicos; • Projetos chave na mão; • Produção de equipamentos; • Produção em subcontratação de peças mecânicas e metálicas.
Прехвърляне на Пета Част

Прехвърляне на Пета Част

la cessione del quinto è uin prestito non finalizzato rivolto a pensionati , dipendenti pubblici e privati. ha una durata max di 10 anni ed è ad appannaggio anche di chi ha avuto delle segnalazioni in banche dati. distribuiamo tale prodotto in erogazione diretta disponendolo cosi in modo piu veloce ed economico
Интернационализация - Услуга за подкрепа на интернационализацията

Интернационализация - Услуга за подкрепа на интернационализацията

Apoio à internacionalização das organizações, promovendo a realização de estudos e dinamizando ações no sentido de estimular a exploração de novos mercados, de forma a promover as marcas portuguesas como selo de qualidade.
Todoperito - Най-важният каталог на съдебните експерти в Испания

Todoperito - Най-важният каталог на съдебните експерти в Испания

Somos el directorio de peritos judiciales más importante de España. En nuestra web podrá encontrar peritos judiciales y tasadores con una amplia trayectoria profesional inscritos en los listados de los juzgados de todo el territorio nacional. En TodoPerito.es encontrará todas las especialidades de peritaje judicial: peritos médicos, peritos psicólogos, peritos químicos, peritos industriales, peritos ingenieros, peritos tasadores de joyas, peritos tasadores de arte, peritos arquitectos, peritos agrónomos, peritos de seguros, peritos sociales y otras muchísimas especialidades más. Los peritos inscritos en nuestro directorio poseen la titulación que la ley exige y cuentan con una dilatada experiencia en emisión de dictámenes oficiales y su defensa en los tribunales de justicia.
Кампании за диалогов маркетинг

Кампании за диалогов маркетинг

Konzeption, Kampagne, Layout, Portooptimierung & Programmierung, Druck, Posteinlieferung Mit unseren gedruckten Dialogmarketing-Kampagnen spielen wir zielgruppengenaue Angebote exakt dort aus, wo Interesse besteht: Konzeption, Kampagne, Layout, Portooptimierung & Programmierung, Druck, Posteinlieferung.
Екологична Концепция

Екологична Концепция

Mise en oeuvre d'outils, techniques et technologies pour améliorer votre impact écologique.
Контрол на гризачи - Контрол на гризачи и мониторинг

Контрол на гризачи - Контрол на гризачи и мониторинг

La Ecofly SrL, PMI Innovativa, certificata: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 nonché UNI EN 16636:2015, opera la profilassi ANTIMURINA in applicazione dei regolamenti nazionali e comunitari nel medesimo settore, in particolare delle ordinanze emanate dal Ministero del Lavoro, Salute e Politiche Sociali, in data 19 marzo 2009, 14 gennaio 2010, 10.02.2012, 14/01/2014, 10/02/2015 e 13/06/2016 inerenti formulazione ed utilizzo dei prodotti nonché le garanzie di sicurezza previsti per specie No Target,.anche mediante strumento brevettato in uso esclusivo.
Езиково Обучение

Езиково Обучение

Jonglez, nuancez, apprenez à interagir de façon précise, juste et adaptée dans votre langue cible. Formez-vous en Anglais, en Allemand, en Italien et bien plus encore. Nos formations en langues sont certifiantes, éligibles au CPF et Learner Centric ! Tous nos cours sont dispensés par des formateurs certifiés dont vous serez l’unique obsession. Sautez le pas et montez en compétences !
Артишок - Испански артишок

Артишок - Испански артишок

Corazones, Cuartos, Laminas, Fondos, Marinadas, Roma "Style"
Оферта - Промоция за есента

Оферта - Промоция за есента

Consulta rebajada si vienes por primera vez
Медицински Автоклави

Медицински Автоклави

Софтуер за хотелиерство

Софтуер за хотелиерство

El TPV más completo Adaptado a tu establecimiento Agilizamos el día a día de miles de empresas, automatizando tareas cotidianas de ventas, stocks, pedidos, empleados, arqueos e informes. Miles de establecimientos confían en SMtpv.